Invest in Healing and Culture: Support Our Native American Community


Donate Today and Make a Difference in the Lives of Native American Inmates and Communities!

Support Native American Healing and Empowerment with Your Donations

At NASLCAL, our mission is to empower Native American communities and individuals impacted by the criminal justice system through healing, prevention, and reentry. Your donation can help us achieve our goal and make a real difference in people's lives.

Transform Lives Through Spiritual Ceremony

Your donation will provide essential resources such as wood, tarps, medicine, drums, rattles, and more for spiritual ceremonies. These ceremonies promote healing and connection, and help inmates stay rooted in their culture and heritage.

Bring Traditional Gatherings to Life

Hosting traditional banquets such as Pow-Wows and Bear Dances is a right for Native American inmates, and your donation will help provide the food, travel assistance for elders, regalia, and cultural items needed to make these events possible. Your generosity will bring inmates together to celebrate and reconnect with the culture.

Empower Through Education

Your donation will help us provide books, videos, and other educational resources that promote traditional Native American history, literature, and teachings. It will also help us bring spiritual leaders to facilities to share their knowledge and wisdom with inmates.

Support Community Healing and Prevention

In addition to supporting individuals in the criminal justice system, NASLCAL also works to bring spiritual leaders to communities for ceremony and presentations to promote healing and prevention. Your donation will help provide stipends for food and travel for spiritual advisors working in both the community and institutions.

Join us in making a difference for Native American communities and individuals by making a donation today.